Guiding Light: The Manifestation Game

Ritesh Aswaney Updated: Friday, October 21, 2022, 05:02 PM IST

The success of the widely acclaimed book, The Secret, suddenly birthed thousands of self-certified experts, professing their mastery of its central theme, the law of attraction! What is this law of attraction you might ask, well in its simplest form, it is based on the premise that given everything has energy signatures, what you attract in life is based on what you put out into the universe through your feelings, emotions and of course actions. That is fairly obvious, one might say, but it does arm you with a simple 3-step process, Ask, Believe and Receive!

When you ask for something, you need to be clear and explicit about what it is that you want to attract; eg, if you want a beautiful flat with a sea view, it doesn’t help to ask for money, instead ask for exactly what it is that you want, for it impacts the next step. Believe is the most crucial stage, for success depends on how sincerely you believe that the Universe or a higher power is listening. Visualisation is where you imagine that what you have asked for has already manifested, and you bask in the glow of experiencing that gratitude for having received. And of course if the intention behind your ask was pure, and you genuinely nurtured belief in an abundance mindset, then the next natural step is to receive.

It isn’t that The Secret was the first book to talk about this, but what made it successful is that it codified manifestation in this three simple step process. Manifestation, of course, is something that the human spirit has birthed, and it has taken all shades from pure intent to dark desires, and equally noble or questionable means to achieve them. The ancient traditions have given us manifestation rituals which involve some or all of the 5 elements, which constitute everything that we touch, see or feel. Cross the aisle to the darker side, and this is the realm of black magic and trying to grab what may not be rightfully yours. Careful however, for every action has repercussions.

Even if all of this seems like hocus pocus to you, and you’re of a purely rational persuasion, it suffices to say that having a positive outlook to life and keeping your vibration high will help you achieve your ambitions more efficiently and glide over the troubles that life throws your way. The benefits of meditation have been scientifically proven, and when you operate from a centred, calm mindset, anchored in gratitude, your ability to respond to situations suppresses your natural urge to react, and it is often those crucial seconds, minutes or days that separate foolish impulsiveness from glory.

Published on: Friday, October 21, 2022, 05:02 PM IST