Ganeshotsav 2022: The connection between Ganesha and numerology explained

Dr Biindu Khuraana Updated: Sunday, August 28, 2022, 07:03 PM IST

Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most important festivals for Hindus. Lord Ganesha is the god of wisdom, success and good luck. He is also called Vighnaharta - the one who removes obstacles. Today, let us understand the connection between Lod Ganesha and numerology.

Big head: His big head specifies an agile brain within the big head. Ganesha’s head is about big thoughts and big achievements - if we cannot think big, we will never achieve big success.

Two ears: The big ears indicate listening skills. It symbolises that while you hear everything, grasp well, make use of what you hear whether good or evil.

Eyes: His two small eyes symbolise importance of focus. By focusing, we gain expertise in our activity that will help us become more effective. The third eye indicates intuition and connecting to the higher energy.

Small feet: We get bogged down with daily life stressors, relationships, work, etc. Ganesha’s small feet depict staying emotionally and mentally stable in life.

Four hands: Lord’s each of four hands suggest importance of give and take. One cannot expect only taking from others, giving is equally important. The left hand with modak means to receive good and at the same time wish well for others. The right hand is raised to bless. The right hand at the back, which holds an axe, symbolises retrenchment. One should know when to cut, economise, reduce, and retreat. The noose in the left hand at the back denotes importance of capturing good things. The four arms of Lord Ganesha represent the four inner attributes of our body: Mind (manas), intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara), and conditioned conscience (chitta).

Five fingers: The universe is made up of five elements - water, wind, fire, earth, and sky, which represent five fingers. Living in harmony with five senses of sound, touch, sight, smell, and touch is important.

Six number: It is represented by the chandra crest on crown. The moon represents beauty, calmness, and peace. Without these virtues we are incomplete and restless.

Seven: Represents seven colours of the rainbow, days of the week, sur in music, continents, oceans, wonders of the world, chakras, pheras, and heavens. Seven is a number of spirituality, mystic, and knowing the unknown.

Eight: The number signifies the big stomach of Ganesha, which is like number 8. As the big stomach indicates digesting all good and bad events in life. Our life is a pile up of good things and bad things. Though good things don’t always alleviate the bad things and vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant. The big stomach of Ganesha teaches us to absorb all that is good, bad, or ugly. Hostility, disappointments, hardships, and resentment. We have to digest them to move on to better pasture of life.

Nine-shaped trunk: Ganesha’s long trunk depicts that one should be able to have some insight into the future. Just like the trunk of the Lord can be moved into any direction, we should be able to get indications from all directions to detect opportunities, possibilities, and threats. We must be able to detect danger. The sense of smell is one of our most powerful connections to the physical world.

Published on: Sunday, August 28, 2022, 12:50 PM IST