Four basic core training exercises that should be a part of your workout routine

Core training has become a buzzword of sorts among fitness enthusiasts. Here are some basic exercises that should be a part of your workout routine

Bipin Salvi Updated: Saturday, November 12, 2022, 03:48 PM IST

For the past few years, the trend of core training has been catching up. People have started implementing core training in their workouts. However, not many are aware of what core training entails. The ‘core’ comprises the spine area muscles and not just the abs. Hence, when one is working out on that aspect, the strengthening of some of the most important body parts is taken care of. Following are some basic exercises that target the core group of muscles.

Plank: This is the most basic but prime workout in core training. Lie down on a mat on your stomach. Place elbows under your shoulders, and palms on the floor, and slowly raise your torso from the floor. All this while, your knees, toes, and elbows should touch the floor. Keep the neck in a neutral position (avoid looking up or down), and avoid lifting your hips or dropping them by pulling in your pelvis. While engaging your glutes and core, hold this position as long as you can while maintaining proper posture. If difficult to start in the traditional way (which is forearms and on forefeet ), one can start on the palms proceeding to forearms and in the lower body with the use of knees rather than forefeet - depending upon strength and stability.

Shoulder Tap Plank: This plank is the beginning of the push-up position which starts with your palms flat on the floor in line with your shoulders. Intermittently release one palm off the ground and tap the opposite shoulder, stabilise your torso and hips from dropping as you move. Alternating shoulder taps do repeat at least 10 on each side and increase depending upon your capacity. Beginners can start on the knee.

Side plank: This plank variation works on the obliques — the muscles on both sides of your midsection — and still involves your core muscles. Lie down on your right side. Keep hips, knees, and feet straight. Place your right hand on the floor and your elbow below your right shoulder, pressing it away from yourself, as you engage your right obliques, lift your hips off the ground. Lift your left arm towards the ceiling, forming a T with your arms and a straight, diagonal line from shoulders to heels, then change sides. Try to hold it for an equal time on both sides.

Ball Plank: Adding a ball to your plank makes your core training strong to help you keep stable on an unsteady surface. Place your shins and feet on an exercise ball with your palm on the ground in plank position, shoulders directly over your wrists. Engage your core, keep your neck neutral, and maintain a straight line from shoulders to heels. Begin with 30 seconds and gradually increase.

Published on: Sunday, November 13, 2022, 07:00 AM IST