Doc Destiny: The right type of signature can bring fame and prosperity; here's how

Dr Biindu Khuraana Updated: Sunday, July 03, 2022, 01:15 PM IST

Signature is destiny on paper. No two signature styles are alike. Every signature has a hidden message for the universe. The clearer and cleaner we sign, the simpler the message to the universe. Our signature signifies our personality, preferences, social life, choices, aptitude and attitude towards life. It also depicts our financial condition and our ability to react to stress and pressure. We can make changes in the way we sign to turn our destiny. I believe destiny is truly in our hands. Truth be told, our signature is a mirror of our soul. There is nothing like a perfect signature.

Some rules can be incorporated to enhance progress and prosperity.

Suggestions for ideal signature rectifications (if necessary)

1. Write your full name and surname (it brings name, fame)

2. Last alphabet should end upwards (to avoid financial losses)

3. Sign at an angle of 45º (for progress)

4. Put complete underscore (for support)

5. Put two dots below the underscore in the centre (for present)

6. Join first and second alphabet (it indicates connection to spouse / parent)

7. Do not add dots after or in the middle of name (it indicates stops and starts)

8. Cleaner and clearer signature means less tension, stress and problems in life

Signature analysis is a motor reflex (eye-hand) skill and the best way to learn any skill is to practice.

Published on: Sunday, July 03, 2022, 01:15 PM IST