Suffering from bone-related ailments? Here's how Surabhi Mudra can solve your problems

This mudra is a union of Water, Earth, Space, and Air elements of both hands to stabalise the Navel Chakra

Prof G B Luthria Updated: Sunday, September 25, 2022, 02:01 PM IST

Age is just a number, and how old we look, or behave is something we can partially control through mental and cosmetic make-up. Beneath the skin however, the one thing we cannot reverse about us (as yet) is ageing.

As we age, we experience changes in posture, gait, skin and hair. But the most common feature of ageing is loss of bone mass or density, especially for women after menopause. The bones lose calcium and other minerals. The most appropriate treatment option will depend on the type of bone disease and how serious the condition is.

In this article we look at how to protect bones from various diseases through mudra. Mudras are a source of non-verbal communication and self-expression, consisting of hands, face, and body postures. They purify, energise, and divinise the spiritual aspirant in a similar way as mantra recitation. Practiced by yogis as a means to resolve bodily ailments, mudras became more than mere gestures. We are rediscovering the potency of a lost science that has been around for centuries.

In this form of holistic healing, bone-related issues are addressed by the Surabhi (cow) Mudra. With constant practice, this mudra can stabilise and strengthen the manipura (navel) chakra (solar plexus) region. One can re-awaken the latent energy at the base of the spine, aka Kundalini shakti. It is through the rebalancing of spinal energy flow, the reversal of bone degeneration is reactivated.

This mudra is a union of Water, Earth, Space, and Air elements of both hands to stabalise the Navel Chakra. The navel is the centre of our body from where nerves reach out to different parts of the body. When the navel is stabilised, the digestive system is strengthened. A strong digestive system ensures extraction of nutrients from food, and distribution of it to the parts that need it. It also makes our body strong and healthy.

In summary, ageing may not be reversed, but can certainly be slowed down with the regular practice of yoga and yoga mudras.

Formation of Surabhi Mudra

1. Sit in a comfortable half-lotus position. You can either sit on a light mat or any regular carpet. It is advised not to sit directly on the floor as the electric energy within the body will move towards the path of least resistance, that is the naked floor. You can sit with your eyes closed for better concentration.

2. Make sure that the tip of the right-hand little finger touches the tip of the left-hand ring finger.

3. Now, the tip of the left-hand little finger must touch the tip of the right-hand ring finger. You must note that the third step is just the opposite of the second one.

4. Touch the tip of the right-hand index finger with the tip of the left-hand middle finger.

5. And next touch the tip of the left-hand index finger with the tip of the right-hand middle finger. It’s just the opposite of the previous step.

6. Make sure that both the thumbs are extended. The steps might sound confusing but are easy practice.

7. Breathe in and out slowly while holding this mudra for three to five minutes any time of the day.

(There are over 350 health problems that can be prevented/cured with mudras. To know more visit

Published on: Sunday, September 25, 2022, 02:02 PM IST