Homeopathy: A solution for all health problems

Homeopathy believes that disease condition shall be improved by tapping the life force of the individual which helps overcome the situation.

Dr. S. Ainavolu Updated: Sunday, February 27, 2022, 12:52 PM IST

Homeopathy draws its name from the understanding that ‘similar improves the suffering.’ Taking the first principle of homeopathy, ‘similia similibus curanter’ meaning ‘like cures like’, the name is apt and direct. As per homeopathy, symptom that is caused by a substance shall be cured by the same substance in diluted form. This is the essence of homeopathy.

Origin, philosophy and the method

Homeopathy or homeo as it is popularly known, originated in Europe and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann is the acknowledged founder of the approach. Subsequently Kent, Herring, Schussler and many more contributed to the field in many ways over the last two centuries. At the peak of its popularity in the American continent, there were homeopathic medical colleges and the large number of practitioners. Over last 150 years, it gained popularity in India as well.

Homeopathy believes that disease condition shall be improved by tapping the life force of the individual which helps overcome the situation. To trigger the life force, remedy produced through potentization method is applied. An example of this is a drop of the substance is mixed with say 99 drops of water and energized. This is called 1C solution, meaning ‘first hundred’. One drop from this solution is taken and added with 99 drops of water and this becomes second order which is 2C. If this process continued thirty times, we get the popular 30C potency. Needless to say, that there shall not be any trace of the original substance in the solution after first few times of dilutions. What remains in the final solution is the healing energy from the substance.

Homeopathy uses substances from different sources viz mineral, plant and animal. The fourth can be the very disease condition itself specifically called nosode. Sodium chloride (Natrum Mur), Calcium Carbonate (Calcarea Carb), Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phosp) are a few from mineral sources. Metals too are used and examples are Gold (Aurum), Silver (Argentinum), Copper (Cuprum), Platinum etc. Similarly, we have plant sources like our own Hing, and animal sources and their milk. Some substances make one get a jolt, say Arsenic, Mercury or Lachesis (a snake poison). But diluted and potentized, solution contains only the healing energy. Thus, the Homeopathy sources and healing spectrum are wide and touche all possible age groups and health conditions.

Homeopathy - Science or a pseudo-science

Many ask whether it is a pseudo-science. Their concerns possibly are justified as there are no ‘clinical trials’ in this method. Instead, the practitioners depend on ‘proving’ technique. The idea behind proving is simple, as ‘same cures same’, apply the material on a healthy person and he/she shall display the symptoms. Record these symptoms and whenever such appear in any patient, give the ‘proven material’ in a diluted/potentized form. It is expected to cure the condition. In fact, the origin of Homeopathy started with Dr. Hahnemann’s observation while translating a medical work that Chinchona bark that produces malaria symptoms can cure malaria! Another objection is if there is no trace of ‘material’ in the final solution then how can it help? It is true that after fourth or fifth titration, there is no physical evidence of the substance but the healing energy contained in the solution heals.

Great potential to cure the world’s health issues

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 of ‘Good health and Wellbeing’ may appear unattainable, given the costs associated with the modern medicine methods. Comparatively Homeopathy offers economical solution. The system is cost effective, fast acting when right remedy is given, diagnosing costs are low and can be made available even in remote areas. In fact, all households can be given the standard kit comprising of 20-25 remedies for sure to cure immediate acute conditions. The system is gentle, the practitioners are often kind. Future seems bright for Homeopathy as the consciousness shifts are happening around the globe and people are openminded now. With deep gratitude we remember the humane contribution of pratahsmaraneeya Dr. Hahnemann and followers of the method.

(The writer is a Fellow of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and currently Professor of Strategy at VPSM, Navi Mumbai. Read the full article on: www.ainavolu.in/homeopathy-a-possible-panacea)

Published on: Sunday, February 27, 2022, 12:52 PM IST