Meet the Elon Musk-backed AI chatbot that writes college essays and poems

OpenAI has developed ChatGPT as a part of its mission to create AGI, which has the ability to reason like a human being.

Aiyub Dawood Updated: Sunday, December 04, 2022, 02:09 PM IST

People who aren’t keen on connecting with customer care on call must be acquainted with chatbots, where AI offers specific answers for their queries. Without a human touch involved, the interaction often seems mechanical and at times users with unique issues may end up going around in circles. But the era of mundane chatbots and robotic voices of Siri and Google Assistant seems to be over, with OpenAI engaging with users on everything from history to poetry.

Responses better than Google?

The AI firm co-founded by Twitter’s new chief twit Elon Musk, has launched a chatbot called ChatGPT, for a free preview so that everyone can try it out. The smart assistant is flexible, and interactions can feel like as formal as customer support engagements or as casual as banter with friends. Unlike Google where a search generates a list of links that possibly have the information you need, ChatGPT provides the exact data you need via pointers.

Covers almost everything

It could be anything from information about investment options, to trivia about a movie or information on comic book characters. This has catapulted ChatGTP to instant online popularity, and OpenAI has reported demand far higher than the firm was expecting. With the ability to write poetry on crypto among other things, many are saying that it can generate college essays, term papers and even plays. The ChatGTP experience is a major leap forward from playing with Siri and Alexa.

Still not perfect

But the chatbot has a long way to go before replacing human beings, and has a few glitches that need to be ironed out. Since AI also draws information from people, it isn’t immune to tendencies of spreading misinformation as facts.

Backed by Elon Musk and Sam Altman, OpenAI has announced that its mission to create artificial general intelligence (AGI), which has the same power to reason as a human being. It even conducts a poll among employees every year, about the time it will take for AGI to finally become a reality. Before ChatGTP, OpenAI had also launched Dall-E, which creates digital images from natural text, also called prompts.

Published on: Saturday, December 03, 2022, 04:44 PM IST