Everything you need to know about Pitru Paksha 2022 rituals

By: FPJ Web Desk | September 23, 2022

Pitru Paksha began on September 10 and will end on September 25


Pitru Paksha is a 15-lunar day period when Hindus perform rituals for ancestors to attain moksha (salvation) through Shradh prayers and food offerings


Hindus perform rituals, including tarpan, shradh, and pind daan during these two weeks


The period falls in the lunar month of Bhadrapada beginning on the full moon day or the day after full moon day


It is also considered auspicious if one eats on a leaf during Pitru Paksha and feeds Brahmin on the leaf


Food items such as onion and garlic are prohibited during this time. Raw grains are also prohibited. Thus, rice, pulses and wheat should not be eaten during this period

Pitru Paksha is considered as a sacred event in Hindu culture


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