World Art Day 2023: 7 renowned paintings by greatest artists across the world

By: FPJ Web Desk | April 14, 2023

World Art Day is celebrated on April 15 every year. Let see the renowned paintings by greatest artists across the world. The Battle of Waterloo by Jan Willem Pieneman is in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (1824): Here the Duke of Wellington is receiving the message that Prussian forces are coming to his aid. Wellington, commander of the Anglo-Dutch troops, is the central figure in this group portrait of the major players at Waterloo. Lying wounded on a stretcher in the left foreground is the Dutch Crown Prince, later King William II

The Milkmaid by Johannes Vermeer (1660): A maidservant pours milk, entirely absorbed in her work. Except for the stream of milk, everything else is still. Vermeer took this simple everyday activity and made it the subject of an impressive painting – the woman stands like a statue in the brightly lit room. Vermeer also had an eye for how light by means of hundreds of colourful dots plays over the surface of objects

Girl with a Pearl Earring (1665): In Vermeer's painting, the young woman – painted with open mouth and gazing directly at us to enhance her desirability – is turning as if to disappear into the darkness

Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci (early 15th century) : is an alluring portrait that has been dogged by two questions since the day it was made: Who’s the subject and why is she smiling? The famous smile and its enigmatic quality has driven people crazy for centuries

The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh (1889): was created by Van Gogh at the asylum in Saint-Rémy, where he’d committed himself in 1889. Indeed, The Starry Night seems to reflect his turbulent state of mind at the time, as the night sky comes alive with swirls and orbs of frenetically applied brush marks springing from the yin and yang of his personal demons and awe of nature

The Kiss by Gustav Klimt (1907–1908): Klimt depicts his subjects as mythical figures made modern by luxuriant surfaces of up-to-the moment graphic motifs. The artist used gold leaf—a technique inspired by a 1903 trip to the Basilica di San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy, where he saw the church’s famed Byzantine mosaics

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli (1484–1486): Venus is seen being blown ashore on a giant clamshell by the wind Gods Zephyrus and Aura as the personification of spring awaits on land with a cloak

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