Are you 'India's Most Eligible': 6 things that most millennial men and women look in their potential partners

By: FPJ Web Desk | February 21, 2023

Whether it is a man or a woman, moving from being single to a loving relationship for the lifetime is not easy. And while everyone's choice of idea person vary, an online matchmaking site has presented six basic qualities which every man and woman look for while finding their life partner

We may look for the behaviour of an individuals, values, and appearances, but according to a survey by, far from the in-depth questions, women and men are looking for other qualities

Government job is in demand: India’s most eligible female is a Law Enforcement Officer, while India’s most eligible male works in the Civil Services

Financial independence is important for both men and women: Men making 30L+ p.a. are 190% more desired, whereas women making 30L+ p.a. are 17% more desired

Men not older than 34-35 years: Contrary to popular narratives, age hits men harder in matchmaking and men after the age of 34-35 yrs find it hard to find matches

Tech, aviation, and architects most desired men: Jobs in civil services and tech are most desired among men, while aviation professionals and architects are most desired among women

Men in civil services and tech are 2x more desired as compared to men in other professions, whereas women in aviation are 47% more desired vs women in other professions. Both unemployed men and women are the least desired

Working women receive more love -Non-working women are 31% less desired vs average, breaking the myth of Indian men seeking home-makers

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