7 Traditional Indian Summer Drinks To Beat The Heat

By: Amisha Shirgave | April 26, 2024

Aam Panna is an extremely beneficial drink to prevent you from heat strokes. It is rich in vitamins and iron that will keep you energised.


Solkadhi is made by blending coconut milk, kokum syrup, chilies and coriander. It is a great drink to reduce inflammation in your body and maintain body temperature.


Sattu ka Sharbat is a popular protein rich drink consumed during summers. Along with its high protein content, it is also easy to digest and contains various vitamins and minerals.

Spiced Buttermilk is a yoghurt based drink widely consumed by Indians. It is not only good to keep your body cool, but it also acts as a probiotic and helps in digestion.

Who doesn't love a classic Nimbu Paani on a sunny day? It helps retain electrolytes that are lost due to excessive sweating in summers.


Jaljeera is rich in vitamin C and makes for a perfect summer drink. It helps in detoxifying your gut and aids in digestion.

Kokum Sharbat is a refreshing summer drink made from kokum syrup. It helps elevate your mood and instantly leaves your body feeling cool. It also helps with acidity.

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