7 Books That Every Woman Should Read Atleast Once

By: FPJ Web Desk | October 18, 2023

Life of a woman is not easy. From your workplace to your home, most women face a lot of challenges. Here are 7 books that talk about these difficult situations and harsh realities in life that will surely inspire you

Lies Our Mother Told Us by Nilanjana Bhowmick that speaks about the Indian woman's burdens is omething every woman should atleast once in her lifetime

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi is a memoir of growing up in Iran during the Islamic revolution. The book talks about chilling incidents and the journey of a Marjane in Iran

Chup by Deepa Narayan is a book that literally holds a mirror to you. As the name suggests, the book tries to break the silence about India's women on topics such as Feminism, role of the society and behaviours

Being Miss Nobody by Tamsin Winter is another must-read book for every women. The book talks about speaking up and the journey about finding one's voice

Kari by Amruta Patil is a book that will simpoly blow your mind. Its the first ever graphic novel, that tells the life story of the female protagonist named Kari

The Legend of Pensam is a book by Mamang Dai. The book takes the readers for a ride to Arunachal Pradesh and the lives of the tribal communities of the state

All The Lives We Never Lived by Anuradha Roy is a book that talks about the British Era, war and its effects on families- especially women

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