3 resolutions that you don't need to take in 2023

By: FPJ Web Desk | January 09, 2023

With the start of every New Year, we take resolutions and try our level best to stick to them but sometimes, it is better if we stop being so harsh on ourself and take one day at a time

So for that, it is better if you stop taking these three resolutions; check them out- “I will go off carbs or sugar or dairy, etc. completely.”

Rujuta Diwekar

“I will exercise everyday.”

“I will set a weight loss target of 10-20 kgs.”

Instead, you should let go off extremes

Make a structured and sensible exercise plan

You need to stay healthy and fit but at the same time, make an achievable plan. Divide your fitness plan into small steps and targets according to your capacity and convenience

Always remain consistent, that should be your main goal

Don't be lazy, just tie your shoes and go to achieve a fit body

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