Explore These 8 Oldest Languages In The World Still Spoken

By: Simple | FPJ Education Desk | November 26, 2023

Sanskrit, a classical language synonymous with Hindu scriptures, dates back 3500 years and houses the Rigveda, the world's oldest text.


Tamil, a Dravidian language, is spoken in South Asia and serves as the official language in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Sri Lanka, and Singapore.


Farsi, the official language of Iran, possesses two varieties—Dari and Tajik—with a rich 2500-year history, embraced by Sufi saints like Bulleh Shah.


Greek, an official language of Greece and the EU, boasts the longest documented history among Indo-European languages—over 3,400 years.


Hebrew, dormant for centuries, experienced revival in the 19th century and is now the main language in Israel and among the Jewish community.


Chinese, spoken by 1.3 billion people, traces its earliest written records to around 1250 BC during the late Shang dynasty.


Egyptian, the oldest language in Egypt, belongs to the Afro-Asian linguistic family, reflecting ancient civilizations.


Arabic, 2800 years old, is the official language in 25 countries and holds roots in Old Arabic, influencing Hebrew and modern Arabic.


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