A Khalistani propaganda event earlier scheduled on June 4, 2023 has been cancelled after receiving complaints by the Indian Australian community who alerted of threats. The Sydney Masonic Centre (SMC) called off the event over security reasons: Local news media The Australian Today. This came days after the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Australia and met his counterpart Anthony Albanese there.
“We did not understand the nature of this Khalistan event at the time of booking, However after lots of deliberations decision was taken that Sydney Masonic Centre does not want to be part of any event which can potentially bring harm to the community,” a SMC spokesperson told the news outlet.
PM Modi's visit to Australia
Earlier this month, on May 23, PM Modi arrived at Sydney, Australia during his three-nation tour. He held talks with PM Albanese and attend a community event to celebrate the country’s dynamic, diverse Indian diaspora.
According to reports, Albanese assured PM Modi that his government will continue to take strong action against extremist elements that want to disrupt the strong and deep ties between the two countries.
Khalistanis at at San Francisco event
While Australia called off the pro-Khalistan events, the supporters were reported active at San Francisco where Indian politician Rahul Gandhi was delivery a speech at an event.
The Congress leader and former MP who is on a 10-day visit to the United States of America was heckled during an event in San Francisco on Tuesday (US local time). A group of Khalistani supporters suddenly got put from the audience and started waving the Khalistani flag while raising slogans against him interrupting his speech. Slogans against Indira Gandhi and the Gandhi family were raised in connection with the 1984 Sikh massacre that took place in India.