A video that has gone viral on X (formerly Twitter) shows a policeman from Rajasthan reporting details from an emergency landing of a helicopter. The way in which he reports the incident by connecting with the pilot and providing every important information possible has made netizens call him a "passionate journalist."
"Kisi prakaar ki casualty yaha nahi huyi hai... Bhopal se take off kia hai aur Jaipur ha rahe the," the cop says in the video as he points out that the travel has not seen any casualties and was a Jaipur-bound aircraft that took off from Bhopal. Later, he speaks to the pilot and identifies him as Capt. Goli and his assistant Abhay.
The cop then appreciates the pilots for the emergency landing of the helicopter due to unlikely weather conditions. The private transport belonging to the Chipsan company was carrying passengers and reportedly made to land in the Baran area of Rajasthan.