Four drunk men charged violence on a restaurant staff in Noida after he asked them to pay the bill amount of Rs 650. The incident was reported on Tuesday night from the Kuk Du Ku eatery in Noida's Sector 29. The employee who was beaten up and refused payment was identified as Shahabuddin, who later intimated the matter to the police and filed a complaint. Following this, three accused were arrested.
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Two of the accused men were reportedly identified as Gaurav Yadav and Himanshu. In the clip, the men were seen beating up Shahabuddin and also abusing him over the payment issue. The CCTV footage also recorded one of them kicking the restaurant staff and making him fall on the ground. The video from the incident has surfaced online and gone viral on social media.
Case registered; 3 arrested
Some co-workers try to stop the fight but the drunk men continue to exert violence until one pulls the attacker away and gets them to exit the premises. Shahabuddin reached out to the police after the ruckus. Taking cognisance of the matter, a case under relevant sections of the IPC was registered -- voluntarily causing hurt, intentional insult and criminal intimidation. In the latest update, three of the four drunk men were arrested by the police team.