In a heartbreaking incident, a Palestinian father named Mohammad Abu Al-Qumsan who was completing official procedures to acquire birth certificates for his four-day-old twins learned that the newborns were killed during a recent Israeli airstrike alongside his wife and the mother of the two kids. He was left appalled to know his family was no more alive and his life was shattered. A video from the chilling incident showed him crying inconsolably with the two birth certificates in his hands.
Video: Father collecting birth certificates of twins learns about their deaths
Twins, mother killed
The video is being widely circulated across social media platforms informing netizens about the "Palestinian man who went to get birth certificates, returned to find his wife and children murdered..." The distressing footage showed Mohammad Abu holding two birth certificates in his hand, only to learn the children born to him and certified in the official document have been killed. X users reporting the incident online mentioned that he went to get the birth certificates of his newborn twins but as he returned he found them dead alongside his wife.
Mohammad Abu broke down after finding his family, his wife and their newly-born babies, murdered during the terror and unrest situation in the city of Deir Al-Balah situated in the central Gaza Strip.
"Happiness gone"
News reports quoted his words and read, "I have just obtained the birth certificates for my newborn babies, Aysel and Asser. I was outside the house, finalizing the paperwork, and then I got the call... I didn't expect to find them all gone." Speaking to the media in all tears, he said he considered his babies as a source of happiness, but "My happiness... now it's gone."