Amol Kamble, popularly known as Mumbai's 'Dancing Cop,' has caught the attention of internet users once through his latest dance video. In this reel, Kamble is seen enjoying some dance moves not alone, but alongside iconic Marvel characters Deadpool and Wolverine. Amidst the buzz about the recent release, the cop was seen grooving the fictional characters on he streets of Mumbai.
Kamble's impressive performance along with the beloved Marvel superheroes is going viral on the internet. The video opens capturing Deadpool and Wolverine riding an autorickshaw, only to confront the policeman sooner. As the characters ride into the Mumbai cop, they are seen dancing together on camera.
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The video was posted on Instagram with the caption "Nobody can escape this Red Yellow fever Kal se cinemagharo mai dekho Deadpool and Wolverine." "Deadpool & Wolverine’s first challaan experience," movie booking platform, Book My Show commented on the video.
While the video surfaced online promoting the film ahead of its release, it has only caught the attention of people in the recent days. Now, it has attracted more than a lakh views and 9,200 likes.
Earlier, a video of Deadpool & Wolverine battling Mumbai rains surfaced online. It showed the two characters struggling with their umbrella against the strong winds and heavy rainfall in the city.
The Marvel movie has made it to the big screen worldwide, and was released in July. It stars Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in the lead superhero roles.