Bengaluru: In a shocking incident, a mobile phone was allegedly found inside a dustbin facing the toilet in a well-known coffee outlet in Bengaluru. A social media user shared the incident online, claiming that a woman discovered the phone in the washroom, and it was soon revealed that the mobile belonged to an employee of the coffee shop. A complaint has been registered, and the police have arrested the accused in connection with the matter.
The social media user claimed that the incident occurred at Third Wave Coffee on BEL Road in Bengaluru. The mobile phone was placed in the dustbin with the recording on, and the camera of the phone was facing the toilet. It was also claimed that the recording had been on for the past two hours, with the phone in flight mode to prevent any noise.
The phone was hidden inside the dustbin bag with a hole cut out to expose the camera, enabling it to record anyone using the washroom. This incident has raised serious security and privacy concerns for women using public washrooms. Women are urged to be more vigilant when using such facilities at well-known restaurants and cafes and to thoroughly check their surroundings. The incident was shared on Instagram by an account identified as '@gangsofcinepur.'
The cafe has replied and claimed that stringent legal action is being taken against the employee. They said, "The safety and well-being of our customers is always our priority. Third Wave Coffee has a stringent zero tolerance policy and the person under question at BEL Road store has been immediately terminated, with necessary legal action being initiated."
In the Instagram story, '@gangsofcinepur' wrote, "I was at a @thirdwavecoffeeindia outlet in Bengaluru this morning, and this is what happened: A woman found a phone in the washroom, hidden in the dustbin, with video recording on for about 2 hours, facing the toilet seat. It was on flight mode so that it makes no sound, and was carefully hidden in the dustbin bag which had a hole made in it so that only the camera is exposed."
"It was quickly found that the phone belongs to one of the men working there. The police was called and they arrived soon enough, and action is being taken."
"This was so horrific to witness. I will be vigilant at any washroom I use from now on, no matter how well-known the chain of cafe or restaurant is. And I request all of you to do the same. This is absolutely disgusting."