A Bengaluru woman went through a disturbing night on November 8 when she was on her way home from the office along with some of her colleagues. A few hooligans chased her car threatening her and other passengers onboard. The ordeal was narrated on X by the working woman's husband, Srijan Shetty, who raised concerns about the state of safety in the city. Check post
Husband sheds light on chilling incident
"I've never felt unsafe in Bangalore...but last Thursday night I felt how unsafe certain parts of the city are post 10 pm (sic)," Shetty tweeted.
Throwing light on the horrific incident, he said how the city's Sarjapur area seems unsafe for women late at night. "This city deserves better than this, we need security and we need it now. Sarjapur has been a hotspot for these incidents and we need to figure out a solution to curb this menace," he said in his X post.
Shetty informed that his wife's car was chased down by a bunch of men for a kilometre followed by a few tempos hitting her vehicle. According to the concerning tweet, the incident was aimed at staging a fake accident and blackmailing people.
Police come to rescue
It was learned that the police arrived at the spot within 20 minutes of the woman managing to reach out to them for help. As Srijan's wife rang the emergency number 112 for help, the cops reportedly came in for support and did the needful.