Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Three days ago, the crime squad and Mahakal police team, which were searching for miscreants who had taken the hotel manager of Mahakal police station area hostage and looted occupants, were attacked on Tuesday morning. In a retaliatory action, all three Indore-based miscreants were injured and taken to the District Hospital for treatment.
According to SP Satyendra Kumar Shukla, crime squad and police station teams were searching for the miscreants who looted occupants staying at Hotel Kalash in Indoregate by taking manager Kundan Rajput hostage. On the basis of CCTV footage, it was found that the three miscreants had come in a red coloured car to carry out the incident. Their faces were also recognised. They were identified as Surila, Arif and Taufiq and all of them belong to Khajrana police station area, Indore.
In the morning, when a red coloured car (MP 09 CU 4988) was seen going towards village Dharambadla, the police team chased it and after going some distance stopped the car. The three miscreants sitting inside attacked the police team and started fighting. The police team overpowered them, the SP said.
He said, all the three robbers were injured in the scuffle. The loot was probably the first incident in Ujjain. In such a situation, the police had put all their efforts to nab the criminals. So far, Rs 18k in cash along with gold and silver ornaments have been recovered from their possession.
The incident occurred Tuesday morning, amidst information of a scuffle between the police team and the accused. The news of encounter of miscreants went viral on social media, which later turned to be a hoax.