Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): In a rally organized by the Congress party, former Chief Minister and Congress leader Digvijay Singh sought the blessings of Lord Mahakal before joining the rally. During the event in Ghatiya Vidhan Sabha constituency in Ujjain, Singh criticized the BJP's Jan Ashirwad Yatra, labeling it a flop show. He asserted that despite allocating tickets to all ministers, including the Chief Minister, following the Gujarat model, it wouldn't affect them as the public has already made up its mind.
Before participating in the Aakrosh Rally, Digvijay Singh visited the Mahakal Temple in Ujjain. He expressed his views on the BJP government, accusing them of exploiting the land of tribals, particularly in the last 20 years.
Singh alleged that the government had committed atrocities, usurped tribal lands, and canceled leases on jungle and tribal lands. During discussions with the media, Singh criticized the Shivraj government, accusing it of extortion and fund collection from businessmen.
He stated that the BJP's Jan Ashirwad Yatra has failed, claiming that people are angry and demanding justice.
Singh also commented on the BJP's list of candidates, stating that, similar to Gujarat, they would issue tickets to all ministers, including the Chief Minister. However, he emphasized that such tactics would not make a difference, asserting that figures like Narendra Modi and Amit Shah are anxious. He added that those who were up for sale have been sold, and there are no more takers.
In a taunting manner, he remarked, "I am your uncle, I am your brother; it's all drama and theatrics."