India head coach Rahul Dravid has flown back to his hometown Bengaluru amid concerns about health issues and is unlikely to be with the team for the third ODI against Sri Lanka in Thiruvananthapuram. National Cricket Academy (NCA) director VVS Laxman is likely to join the team in his absence as per the sources. The exact health issues faced by the Indian cricket legend are not yet known.
Series in the bag
Dravid suffered a health scare ahead of India vs Sri Lanka 2nd ODI at the Eden Gardens on Thursday. Dravid felt unwell at the team hotel. He was treated immediately and medications were prescribed. The former Indian skipper celebrated his 50th birthday on Wednesday.
India have wrapped up the series against Sri Lanka after winning the first two ODI's. The team will travel to Thiruvananthapuram for the 3rd ODI where the men in blue will look to experiment as they solidify their starting XI ahead of the ODI World Cup at home this year.