Guiding Light: Independence Day – Questions To Think About

Guiding Light: Independence Day – Questions To Think About

Swami Brahmavidananda SaraswatiUpdated: Wednesday, August 07, 2024, 11:35 PM IST
Indian Flag | Photo: Representative Image

In a few days from now, we will be celebrating our Independence Day. 77 years of Independence is a long time for any country, but a very short time for a civilisation for India that is known as Bharat.

We have gained our political independence but have we really gained independence from our colonial mindset? We still look up to speaking English as a sign of intelligence. I have seen a lot of people who cannot speak English properly, but who are highly intelligent professionals. They will not make it up the corporate ladder because of our colonial thinking. To function at the national and international level, knowing a couple of international languages does help. Further we have much to gain from the western sciences and technology. At the same time, have we developed an Indian way of doing things? We need not turn the clock backwards.

Still, are we still following the same education system that was meant to produce clerks for the British Empire? Does it not deserve an overhaul — retaining the good and discarding the bad? The same applies to our political systems too. Even our constitution which we respect and swear allegiance to, is a copy of the British and American systems.

Americans are proud because they have the American way. Do we hear talk about the Indian way. Isn't it high time that we started a dialogue? What does it mean to be an Indian? We are all Indian citizens by birth. That is fine. But what does it really take to be an Indian? Can we own up our culture and heritage? We may have different political beliefs but can we all put our nation first and do nothing that is damaging for the nation?.

Irrespective of our religion, can we claim our spiritual heritage? Can we claim our historical figures right from recent history, to thousands of years ago? Can we claim what is rightfully ours? These are some of the questions we should be thinking about when we celebrate our Independence Day.

The writer is the founder of Aarsha Vidya Foundation. You can write to him at


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