The Forest Department successfully reunited three-month-old leopard cubs with their mother in a field at Malegaon village in Nashik's Sinnar taluka. The cubs, discovered by sugarcane workers in a field around 8am on Wednesday, prompted the immediate notification of the Forest Department.
Upon arrival, the Forest Department examined the situation, took the cubs into custody, and conducted a medical inspection. Given the cubs' good health, the decision was made to reintroduce them to their mother. The necessary arrangements for the reunion were executed.
A camera was installed in the sugarcane field where the cubs were found, and they were temporarily placed under a basket. Shortly thereafter, the female leopard appeared, overturned the basket, and gently carried each cub in her mouth before disappearing. The entire operation was conducted under the guidance of Deputy Conservator of Forests and RFO Manisha Jadhav.