In a shocking incident, a three-year-old child was attacked by a stray dog and dragged to a nearby field for 50 feet during an evening walk with her mother outside their home. The incident occurred in Koparde Haveli, Karad, on Tuesday around 6:30 pm. The child, identified as Avira Swapnil Sargade, is currently undergoing treatment at the cottage hospital in Karad after sustaining serious injuries.
Avira and her mother, Pooja, had stepped outside to play when the dog suddenly attacked the young girl from behind. During the attack, the dog dragged the little girl to the field for about 50 feet. However, her mother, who was with her at the time, screamed and chased the dog away, averting a major disaster. With the help of relatives and neighbors, she rushed Avira to the Government Hospital for immediate medical attention.
The incident has sparked fear and concern among the residents of Koparde Haveli, particularly women. The villagers have voiced their frustration, citing an increase in such attacks due to the lack of proper control over stray dogs. A similar incident involving a stray dog was reported in Malkapur a few days ago. The community is now demanding prompt action from the authorities to manage the stray dog population and prevent further attacks.