The heavy rainfall on Saturday led to the collapse of a boundary wall of the Shree Balaji Complex Society in Uttam Nagar, Shivne in Pune. Fortunately, no major injuries occurred, but a car and a few bicycles were significantly damaged after falling into the drainage stream. Additionally, a tree near the boundary wall fell into the drain. The incident raises a lot of concerns for the residents residing in that area.
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Residents explained that the society is adjacent to a natural drain, and its boundary wall cracked due to large trees. "Despite urging the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to remove the large trees across the boundary wall, the legal requirements for planting new trees obstructed the action. The wall eventually collapsed on Saturday night, leading to significant damage to parked vehicles," said a resident.
Nivritti Sanas, president of the society, explained that requests to remove the problematic trees were put on hold due to the requirements to plant 100 new trees, leaving the issue unresolved. The deep roots of these trees ultimately led to the boundary wall's collapse.
"This incident highlights an urgent need for effective management of natural drains and strict enforcement of construction regulations to ensure the safety of residents," said Sanas.
"Encroachments in the Shivne and Bhimnagar areas have narrowed the natural drains, leading to flood-like situations even during light rains. Earlier, the wall has collapsed twice," he added.
Meanwhile, speaking to The Free Press Journal, Nivrutti Uthale, Deputy Engineer, PMC said, "After the incident, our team inspected the area and removed the car and the bicycles. Earlier, notices were issued to the society about the dangerous boundary wall, but these warnings were ignored, which led to the incident."