Krishna Kumar Goyal of the Khadki Education trust in Pune on Thursday said that the teachers should impart quality education. Goyal also added that considering the New Education Policy, from now on, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities should be implemented instead of just teaching the curriculum.
"Today's student is addicted to technology like mobile, internet. It is the responsibility of the teachers to make these students socially aware," he added.
He was speaking at the conclusion of a three-day National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NACC) workshop at Tikaram Jagannath College in Pune.
On this occasion Director Rajendra Bhutada, Principal Dr Sanjay Chakne, Professor Mahadev Rokade, Dr Swati Rajan, Dr Sheetal Randhir, along with Office Superintendent Laxman Damse along with other faculty members and non-teaching staff were present.