Pune police have started an innovative approach to the rehabilitation of minor accused individuals, aimed at curbing future criminal activities. This initiative will be coordinated with the NGO Shanti Doot Pariwar.
In the first phase, the program will provide technical and craft training to 150 minors accused of various crimes, equipping them with valuable skills to help them choose the right path.
Speaking to the Free Press Journal, Ranjan Kumar Sharma, Joint Commissioner of Police, Pune, said, "As part of this initiative, the minors will not only receive training but will also be compensated for their work according to the project budget. Recently, minors have been involved in vandalizing vehicles and other disputes. After being arrested and released, they often commit further crimes."
"Many of these minors turn to crime due to a lack of education, family background, and a criminal environment. This initiative will provide them with a beneficial atmosphere to learn and thrive in the future. We have analyzed the work of the NGO in other districts as well. Accordingly, in the first phase, a total of 150 minors have been selected for training in making mats, watches, bags, and idols. Other accused will be motivated by the positive activities of their peers," he added.