Ganeshotsav, one of Pune's grandest festivals, is just around the corner. Ahead of the festival, Pune Metro has issued a set of guidelines for carrying Ganpati idols on the metro. Take a look at the do's and don'ts listed below:
1) Ganpati idols should be two feet or less in height.
2) Carry the idols during off-peak hours.
3) Use lifts at the metro stations.
4) Note the distance between the train and the platform and stand behind the yellow line.
5) Maintain peace and refrain from playing dhols and tashas on the metro.
6) Do not litter stations, platforms, metro trains, or their surroundings.
1) Avoid the use of loudspeakers, mics, megaphones, etc., on the metro.
2) Avoid unnecessary crowding.
3) Avoid the use of items like gulal, flowers, crackers, etc.
5) Do not travel with any flammable items on the metro.
6) Avoid performing puja in the metro.
7) Avoid using flashy lights.
8) Do not damage metro property.