Special Inspector General of Police, of State Prison Department Dr Jalinder Supekar said that the state prison administration, under the guidance of Additional Director General of Prisons Amitabh Gupta, has initiated various projects to prioritize the mental and physical well-being of prisoners. Recognizing the importance of such efforts and emphasising the significant role played by NGOs like Bhoi Pratishthan in this process.
He was speaking at an eye check-up and cataract surgery camp held by Bhoi Pratishthan held for inmates of the prison in Pune.
Dr Jalinder Supekar, addressing the occasion, distributed spectacles to the participants. He highlighted the valuable contribution that Bhoi Pratishthan will make in conducting cataract surgeries for those in need. Dr Supekar further urged the prisoners to respond positively to the efforts made by the prison administration to prioritize their mental and physical health, motivating them to embrace a brighter future upon their release.
The event witnessed the presence of esteemed dignitaries, including Jail Superintendent SN Dhamal, Women Jail Superintendent Pallavi Kadam, and Jail Officers Rajendra Marle, Santosh Kokane, and Milind Ujaje.
Expressing gratitude for the activities of Bhoi Pratishthan over the past seven years in promoting the physical and mental well-being of prisoners, Dhamal, the organizer of the program and Jail Superintendent, conveyed his appreciation. He assured that similar programs would be implemented in the future, fostering a positive and supportive environment within the prison.
The successful organization of the program was made possible through the collaborative efforts of Bhoi Pratishthan, led by President Dr Milind Bhoi, along with Ophthalmologist Dr Nitin Kolte, Dr Vijay Kumbhar, Dr Mangesh Bhat, and teams from Sheth Tarachand Hospital, Pune, and Yash Hospital.