Two Bangladeshi nationals, who were involved in a theft case, have managed to escape from the Sinhagad police station in Pune. The individuals had been sentenced by the court for their crime and were released after serving their sentence at Yerawada Jail. The Pune City Police have registered a case against them for their escape from police custody.
The suspects, Ridanur Rehman Raqib (65) and Jakir K Hussain (42), residents of Dhaka, Bangladesh, had been residing at the Sinhagad Road Police Station under a "restriction order" imposed by the Special Branch. The police had been providing them with food and accommodation while efforts were being made to repatriate them to Bangladesh.
The city police had initiated the deportation process, but before it could be completed, the individuals went untraceable. The police are now conducting an investigation to locate and apprehend the escaped individuals.