In a recent cybercrime incident, a resident of Nashik was defrauded of ₹7 lakh by cybercriminals posing as bank representatives under the pretense of updating KYC (Know Your Customer) details. The incident led to the registration of a case by the Cyber Police based on a complaint filed by Ajay Meshram (32), a resident of Nashik Road.
On the evening of July 20, Meshram received a call from a cyber thief who contacted him from a mobile number, pretending to be a bank representative. The criminal sent him messages concerning KYC updates and the linking of his bank account with Aadhaar. Meshram was then tricked into clicking on a fake link provided by the criminal.
Once Meshram clicked the link, the cybercriminal transferred ₹3.91 lakh from one of his savings accounts and another ₹3.20 lakh from a separate bank account, totaling ₹7.11 lakh, into the criminal's own bank accounts. The criminal gained complete access to Meshram's mobile device during the process.
Further exploiting Meshram's fears of his bank account being blocked, the criminal sent another fake link and instructed him to download the "Aadhaar Card Update Union Bank App." Upon downloading the app, the thief acquired confidential information from both of Meshram's bank accounts, allowing them to carry out the fraudulent transactions.
The Cyber Police have registered a case and are investigating the incident to track down the perpetrators.