The BJP claims unity within the Mahayuti coalition for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, but Shinde group MLAs are wary due to past instances of rebellion from the BJP during assembly elections in the district. In a recent meeting of Mahayuti office-bearers, the MLAs raised concerns about the BJP's commitment to reciprocate cooperation in the assembly elections, mirroring the support provided by Mahayuti parties in the Lok Sabha polls.
With the BJP aiming to secure 400 seats nationwide and 45 seats in Maharashtra, Mahayuti office-bearers convened at the BJP office, chaired by Minister Girish Mahajan. Notable attendees included the party's candidates for the Raver and Jalgaon constituencies, Raksha Khadse and Smita Wagh.
During the meeting, leaders from the NCP and Shinde groups recounted the bitter experiences they faced from the BJP, particularly in Pachora and Jalgaon Rural constituencies during the 2019 elections. They expressed concerns about the BJP's tendency to leverage the Shiv Sena's support for winning Lok Sabha seats while sidelining them in assembly polls.
The Shinde group MLAs pressed the BJP for assurance of cooperation, urging them to learn from past mistakes and ensure a united front within the Mahayuti coalition for the upcoming elections.