This year's Ganeshotsav will feature a unique and impressive display by the Trimurti Nagar Kala Krida Mitra Mandal in Nashik. The main attraction will be a recreation of Jaipur's Raj Mahal, a palace that draws tourists from around the world. The grand stage, measuring 60 x 30 feet, is under construction in the Hirawadi Road area, and the organisers aim to bring a piece of Jaipur to Nashik.
Ambadas Khaire, the founder president of the association, stated that this initiative will allow Nashikkars to experience the grandeur of Jaipur's Raj Mahal. The stage and scenery are being constructed using fibre, ensuring a visually striking setup.
The mandal is known for its Icchapurti Ganesha idol, a centre of attraction for devotees. Along with the grand setup, the association organises several social activities during Ganeshotsav, including a blood donation camp and various competitions.