Goa Police arrested three women beggars who are from Pune for allegedly stealing cash from a wine store in Vasco, a port town.
Vijay Kumar Bind, salesman of the wine shop, has lodged a complaint in this regard.
The accused individuals have been identified as Nandini Kumbhar, 18, Sutukala Bhag Kale, 40, and Pallavi Ishwar Shinde, 29, all residents of Pune.
Kept salesman busy in talking
"They stole cash worth Rs 1,800 in different denomination notes which were kept in the cash drawer of the wine shop M/s Tequila Sunrise at Baina, Vasco-Goa," police said.
Sources informed that these women were using children to steal money from the cash counter of the shop by engaging the salesman.
The CCTV footage of the incident has gone viral.
Vasco Police has registered an offense under section 380 r/w 34 IPC.