The city Cyber police helped 111 complainants to get a total sum of Rs 70 lakh in various cyber cheating cases from January 2023.
Cyber fraudsters lure internet users of lucrative profits on investments or through lottery. Many people fall prey to their false promises and lose their money through online transactions. Similarly, many people were duped by the promise of giving jobs and in some instances of giving information to the bank officers.
Considering the increased number of complaints of online cheating, city cyber police station PI Praveena Yadav implemented several measures to restrict online cheating.
Rs 70 lakh were deposited in various accounts
Directives were given to the technical teams to implement various measures to help the victims. Since January 2023, the police have succeeded in recovering Rs 70 lakh lost by the 111 complainants through online transactions. These Rs 70 lakh were deposited in various accounts in various states in the country including Rs 31 lakh in Jharkhand, Rs 16 lakh in Noida, Rs 14 lakh in Delhi and Rs 9 lakh in various other places.
Now, cyber fraudsters have adopted a new way of cheating the people, says PI Yadav. They steal the mobile phones of the residents and steal the money of the phone owners through PhonePay, Google Pay, Paytm and other money transfer apps. Sometimes, they, on the pretext of helping people at the ATM centres, steal their ATM cards.
PI Yadav has appealed to people to be careful while doing online transactions and do not share any confidential information on the phone.