Mahesh Chandra, an Indian Railways Stores Service (IRSS) officer from the 1986 batch, has taken over the charge of Principal Chief Materials Manager of Western Railway. Prior to this, he was on deputation to Ministry of Defence and was working as Chief Vigilance Officer of Mazgaon Dock Shipbuilders Limited. He has also held additional charges of CVO, Hindustan Shipyard Limited, Vishakhapatnam and CVO, Munitions India limited, Pune, all defence PSUs.
He is a Mechanical Engineering Graduate from IIT Roorkee (formerly U.O.R. Roorkee) and Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management (PGDMM) from IIMM Bombay. He has approximately 38 years of experience which includes 31 years in Railways and 07 years in Central PSUs.
While working for Indian Railways, Mahesh Chandra gained extensive and diverse experience in Supply Chain Management, Import Clearance, Scrap Disposal, Public Procurement, General Administration, and Human Resource Affairs.
38-years-long career
He has held various positions in Indian Railways, including Divisional/Distt. Materials Manager, Deputy Chief Personnel Officer, Deputy Chief Materials Manager, Deputy Chief Vigilance Officer, Additional Divisional Railway Manager, Chief Materials Manager, and Executive Director/Railway Stores, Railway Board. While working for the Ministry of Railways, he was actively involved in the formulation and implementation of Procurement Policies, the Digitization of Supply Chain processes, and various Procurement initiatives across Indian Railways.
He is two times recipient of Railway Minister Awards for the Financial Year 2001-2002 and 2007-2008.