In a significant achievement, the Western Railway Protection Force (RPF) rescued a total of 856 children during the year 2023 as part of its dedicated campaign, 'Operation Nanhe Faristey.' The operation, aimed at identifying and rescuing children in need of care and protection found in trains and railway stations, has demonstrated remarkable success.
Demographics of children rescued
The rescued children, totalling 856, comprised 508 boys and 279 girls. Operations were carried out across various divisions, with notable rescues in Mumbai Division (313), Vadodara Division (74), Ahmedabad Division (125), Ratlam Division (188), Rajkot Division (121), and Bhavnagar Division (35). The sheer scale of these rescues highlights the persistent challenge of child trafficking within the railway network.
Upon rescuing a child, the RPF diligently handed them over to nominated Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with the necessary permissions from the Child Welfare Committee. The force also took proactive measures to raise awareness among its staff through workshops, video conferences, and detailed circulars, emphasizing the importance of the care and protection of rescued children.
77 Anti-Trafficking Units formed over Western Railways
"To combat the menace of human trafficking, 77 Anti-Trafficking Units are formed over Western Railway, and collaborative efforts with state and central authorities are regularly pursued. An essential step in this direction was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Bachpan Bachao Andolan, focusing on eradicating child trafficking in trains. Stickers and posters displayed in train coaches served to sensitize the public and create awareness for the prevention of child trafficking," said an official of WR.
Despite these proactive measures, two incidents highlighted the challenges faced by the RPF recently. "At Nandurbar railway station, seven children were found in a general coach without guardians, having run away from their native Bihar in search of livelihood. In Surat, four children were discovered on the platform, admitting to running away as their parents attended a Satsang. In both instances, the RPF swiftly intervened, sending the children to child care homes and reuniting them with their families after a thorough verification process," said an official.
Positive impacts of 'Operation Nanhe Faristey'
A senior officer of Western Railway commended the RPF's dedication in identifying and rescuing lost or separated children. He highlighted the success of 'Operation Nanhe Faristey,' emphasizing the positive impact on the safety and protection of children within the railway network.
"The RPF's efforts to ensure the safety of railway passengers, prevent criminal activities, and actively engage in campaigns like 'Operation Nanhe Faristey' mark a significant stride towards fostering a secure environment within the railway infrastructure. The year 2023 reflects the force's commitment to making railways safer for all, especially vulnerable children who deserve protection and care," he added.