Chrisann Pereira, who returned to Mumbai on Thursday after her four-month ordeal in the United Arab Emirates, has said each day at Sharjah Central Jail felt like a month.
The actress was framed by two men – Anthony Paul and his friend Rajesh, alias Ravi Bobhate – who planted drugs in a trophy and persuaded her to carry it to the emirate. The 27-year-old was made to believe that she was going to Dubai to audition for a web series. Whenshe landed atSharjah International Airport on April 1, the authorities found marijuana and opium concealed in the memento. Pereira said the criminals who framed her had left a note inside the trophy saying: “The joke’s on you.”
Once in jail, the actress was told that she was looking at 25 years behind bars. “I was really scared. I prayed every single day. Each day in jail felt like a month. I remember every single moment that I spent in jail,” she said.
Here is a brief timeline of her drug case in UAE:
March 23- A person named Ravi messaged Chrisann Pereira's mother Pramila (56) on WhatsApp saying that “we had met in March 2022, then you said that your daughter wants to act in the film world.” Ravi said that he has formed a company named Talent Pool. ”If your daughter has time, send her to the Grand Hyatt Hotel.”
March 25- Chrisann meets Ravi at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.
March 28- Ravi gave a flight ticket to Chrisann to leave for Sharjah on April 1 and return on April 3.
30 March- Chrisann meets Anthony Paul and Ravi.
1 April- Paul and Ravi meet Chrisann before boarding the flight. Ravi tells Chrisann to take the trophy. On the same day, Chrisann was arrested in Sharjah.
2 April- Pramila contacts Paul and informs him of Chrisann's arrest. Paul demands Rs 80 lakh to get Chrisann released.
24 April- Mumbai crime branch registered an FIR and arrested Paul and Bobhate.
26 April- Chrisann released from the Sharjah jail.
30 April- Drugs peddler Shantilal Rajput arrested.
May 15- Chrisann got her passport but she was blacklisted.
20 May- Chrisann appeals to remove name from the blacklist.
12 June- Sharjah court clears Indian actress Chrisann Pereira of all charges in the drug case.
21 June- Mumbai crime branch filed a 1514-page chargesheet.
16 July- Passport committee hearing completed and Chrisann's name removed from blacklist.
2 August- Chrisann came back to India.