Thane: The Naupada police in Thane have arrested a man and woman, both aged 24, for allegedly hurling abuses at the driver and conductor of a civic-run bus and manhandling them, said an officer from Naupada police station.
The incident took place on Monday when the bus was on its way from Borivali to Thane city.
Thane police said, "A car came in front of a bus run by the Thane Municipal Transport (TMT) near Teen Hath Naka on Monday. Though the car was moving slowly, the person at the wheel did not give way to the bus despite the repeated use of the horn by the bus driver. After some time, the driver of the car came in front of the TMT bus and did not let it proceed. A woman and a man, identified as Surushti Mohan Pawar and Omkar Subash Modak, respectively, entered the bus and hurled abuses at the driver and conductor."
Both were sent to judicial custody for 14 days
"Both the accused also manhandled the two TMT employees despite the bus driver telling them that they were holding up the passengers. With the woman on board and screaming non-stop, the bus driver drove to the Naupada police station where cops placed her under arrest. The man then followed the bus in the car and he too was arrested. The two were presented before a court on Monday and were remanded in judicial custody for 14 days,” police added.