Thane: The Shahapur police have arrested four persons on Wednesday for allegedly killing a 62-year-old retired railway ticket checker from Kalyan over a money issue and also burying his body in a field in Shahapur in Thane district.
As per the information from Shahapur police officials, the victim identified as Gopal Rangayya Naidu received Rs 26 lakh after he retired from the railway in July 2021. Naidu gave Rs 10 lakh to his friend Ramesh More. In October 2022, Naidu sought his money back for his son's college fees but More was evasive. Naidu then mortgaged his house to raise funds for his son's studies.
Killed for asking friend to repay
Shahapur police station Inspector Rajkumar Upase said, "In January 2023 Naidu got into a heated exchange with More after the latter did not repay the money. On June 3, Naidu went missing. Ten days later his family was informed by the cops about the discovery of a highly decomposed body in a field in Shahapur. The family identified the body as Naidu's based on a ring and cloth on it. Meanwhile, More went underground. "
Upase added, "We have arrested four persons including the one in whose field the body was found. The main accused More remains at large. We have registered a case under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 302 (murder) and 201 (destruction of evidence)."