Thane: A father, over a minor issue, stabbed his wife who had come home to celebrate her son’s birthday in Dombivli's Mhatre Nagar on Wednesday. Later, when the son intervened to settle the quarrel between the two, his father also attacked him.
N.G.Kate, police sub-inspector, Ramnagar police station said, "The accused has been identified as Suresh Sakharam Pailkar (52). His 28-year-old son Suraj has filed a complaint against him. Suraj's parents have not been getting along for two years. So Suraj's mother, Sulochana, used to live at her mother's house in Karnataka. It was Suraj's birthday on Wednesday so she came from Karnataka to celebrate."
Kate further added, "After the birthday party at home, there was an argument between Suraj's mother and father between 11 to 11:30 pm over a minor reason. Enraged by this, the father took a knife from the kitchen and stabbed his wife Sulochna. Suraj intervened to settle the quarrel and at that time he stabbed Suraj on the chest. Suresh threatened to kill both mother and son. Considering the possibility of such misbehavior from his father again, son Suraj filed a complaint against his father. We are further investigating the case."