A complaint of fraud amounting to over ₹10 crores was registered in Navpada police station in Thane against two influential persons of Palghar district which is related to the purchase of land near the proposed Vadhavan port on Aug 12. Eight people are accused of the misappropriation of this land deal.
Prajval Patil nephew of Nilesh Sambre who is a well know businessman and also into social and political work had registered a case at Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) about the fraud. The court had instructed the police to follow the criminal procedure in this matter.
The fraud case
In the complaint lodged with the police, it has been accused that Suhas Sankhe had borrowed ₹50 lakhs for some reason. Amit Churi who was referred by Suhas Sankhe had promised to purchase land near the proposed Vadhavan port and Jijau Construction Road Builders Private Limited, which was a flagship company of Nilesh Sambre had transferred over ₹9 crore and ₹22 lakhs to Amit Churi. The complainant has claimed that the land agreement for the purchase was fraudulent.
In another case, Amit Churi is accused of borrowing Rs50 lakhs for the purchase of machinery for unloading coal for the Adani Thermal Power Plant at Dahanu. In addition, the bills of ₹30.5 lakhs had been submitted to the company which is owned by Amit Churi and partners are unpaid. The complaint describes the entire amount as outstanding.
Fraud money amounts to ₹10.22 crore
The complainant has accused Amit Churi, Suhash Sankhe and six others of fraud amounting to ₹10.22 crore. The FIR is registered against the accused under sections of IPC 406 (Punishment for criminal breach of trust)
420 (Cheating and dishonestly including delivery of property), 467 (Forgery of valuable security, will etc), 468 (Forgery for cheating), 469 (Forgery to harm reputation), 471 (Using as genuine a forged document or electronic record), 34 (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention).
Meanwhile, Amit Churi and Suhas Sankhe have denied the allegations..