In an upcoming podcast, "Aawaz Konacha," hosted by Aadesh Bandekar, Shiv Sena leaders Kailas Patil and Nitin Deshmukh, who had previously claimed they were "misled and taken against their wishes" by a group of rebel MLAs aligned with Eknath Shinde's camp, revealed the details of what happened to them.
Patil: I realised something was wrong
In a short clip posted on the internet, Kailas Patil can be heard saying, "While I was with other political leaders, I realised something was wrong. During our journey, I suddenly noticed mountains, and that's when it dawned on me that they were taking us to a different location than what we were told. I had no idea where we were going, but I was determined to get off before we reached the Maharashtra borders."
Deshmukh: Men held me down and attempted to inject me
Narrating his experience, Nitin Deshmukh said, "Eknath Shinde asked us to sit in the car, assuring us that we were going to Thane. However, he took us to Palghar, where we made a stop at a pan shop. It was there that I inquired with the shop owner, who informed me that this road leads to Surat. After a while, we arrived at a hotel where I was restricted from going outside. Some individuals held me down and attempted to inject me. I was unsure of what was happening to me."
In July 2022, Eknath Shinde led a group of Sena MLAs against the MVA government, causing it to lose its majority in the Maharashtra assembly. Consequently, Shiv Sena chief Thackeray stepped down as the Chief Minister in anticipation of a floor test that he knew his government would fail.