Organized under the 'Swachh Diwali, Shubh Diwali' campaign, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC), led by Municipal Commissioner Rajesh Narvekar, is actively participating in the 'Clean India Mission.' As part of 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 2.0,' the municipality has introduced the 'Fort Competition.'
The festival of Diwali
Diwali, being the most widely celebrated festival in India, embodies the spirit of light, joy, love, friendship, and humanity. In Maharashtra, the tradition of building forts during Diwali symbolizes the preservation of valor and courage. This practice brings together children and young people in a collective effort to construct these symbolic forts.
To encourage and promote this cultural activity, NMMC has launched a fort competition as part of the Swachh Diwali Shubh Diwali Mission.
How to take part?
Participants, including children, youths, and citizens, are invited to take a selfie with the forts they build. Additionally, they are encouraged to take an oath at the link and download the participation certificate from the campaign.
Participants should then share their creations on their Instagram accounts, tagging the official handles @nmmconline and @sbmurbangov. The post receiving the highest number of likes will be recognized and awarded a certificate and attractive prizes by the NMMC.
This engaging initiative, spearheaded by Municipal Commissioner Mr. Rajesh Narvekar, not only celebrates the festive spirit of Diwali but also promotes civic participation, cultural preservation, and cleanliness through the innovative platform of a fort-building competition.