Rabale police registered a case of robbery after a gold chain worth Rs 70,000 was snatched by a motorbike borne miscreant on Tuesday morning when a 65-year-old woman was on morning walk. The incident took place near the garden in front of Jama Masjid at sector 17 in Airoli.
Septugenerarian's mangalsutra was snatched during her morning walk
Usha Amritsagar, a resident of sector 17 in Airoli had gone for a morning walk and yoga practice at a garden in the same area. She was walking around 6 am in front of Jama Masjid in Sector-17 when a motorbike-borne miscreant came and snatched a gold mangalsutra weighing 18 grams and fled. Though Usha raised an alarm the robber managed to escape.
Later she approached Rabale police station and lodged a complaint. The police registered a case of theft against an unidentified person and started an investigation.