On the occasion of birthday of Panvel MLA Prashant Thakur, Nadbramh Sadhana Mandal Kharghar and Panvel Taluka Cultural Cell have organized a classical and para-classical musical program on Saturday at 5 pm in Panvel. The musical programme will be held at Ramsheth Thakur Social Vikas Mandal in Market Yard in Panvel where former MP Ramseth Thakur will be the chief guest.
Apart from him, MLA Prashant Thakur, senior leader Y. T. Deshmukh, former house leader at PMC Paresh Thakur, Uttar Raigad district president of BJP Avinash Koli, Panvel taluka president Arunsheth Bhagat, city president Jayant Pagde, Bhajan Samrat Raigad Bhushan. Bh. W. Nivruthibuwa Chaudhary, CIDCO Union Secretary J. T. Patil, District Convener of Cultural Cell, Abhishek Patwardhan, Hon. Bh. W. Nandkumar Karve will be present.
Renowned singer Raigad Bhushan Umesh Chaudhary will perform classical music in this program. He will be supported by Nand Kumar Karve on harmonium and Mahesh Kanole on tabla.
While 'Sur Nava Dhyas Nava' fame singer Rashmi Moghe will be performing the classical vocals and she will be accompanied by Siddharth Joshi on harmonium, Kishore Pandey on tabla, Madhukar Dhongde on pakhawaj, site rhythm Vishal Waghmare and Jagdish Mhatre on cymbals.