The Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) police have launched an investigation following a complaint by J B and Brothers Private Ltd, a prominent player in the diamond industry with an office in Bharat Diamond Bourse within BKC. The complaint alleges misdeeds by two of the company's employees, resulting in the disappearance of diamonds valued at ₹5.62 crores over the last four months. Subsequently, three individuals have been arrested in connection with this case.
According to the report from BKC police, the complainant, Sanjay Shah (55), is a well-known diamond trader. In his complaint, Shah revealed that Prashant Shah and Vishal Shah, both employees in his company, were complicit in the disappearance of these valuable gemstones. Shah's company primarily operates in the business of selling diamonds, handling orders and deliveries.
The alleged malpractice involved Sanjay Shah entrusting Prashant and Vishal with the delivery of diamonds. However, the diamonds handed over to them for delivery were, instead, surreptitiously sold to other parties.
Discrepancies in accounts
Upon discovering discrepancies in his accounts and realizing he had not received payment for the delivered diamonds, Shah initiated inquiries with the recipients. To his surprise, they claimed not to have received the diamond deliveries.
Further investigation revealed that Prashant and Vishal were responsible for these irregularities, and the truth eventually came to light.
As a result of Sanjay Shah's complaint, an FIR has been registered against Prashant Shah and Vishal Shah at the BKC police station, citing sections 34, 408, and 420 of the Indian Penal Code.
A police officer involved in the case disclosed that the illicit diamond sales took place between April and September. Additionally, the two accused were responsible for managing the diamond stock and, in some instances, extracting diamonds for these unauthorized transactions.
Notably, Prashant and Vishal were found to have facilitated the sale of these diamonds through a former employee of the company, who has also been apprehended by the police.